Happy New Year!!! Westway Open Arms has had a very
successful festive season with so many wonderful donations
of toys, gift sets, food and money. We gave out 30 Xmas
dinner hampers to local families and 6 Xmas food parcels to
young people living in Foundation accommodation.
Over 100 children benefited from the toys and gifts. Thank
you to all that gave this year; your generosity never ceases
to amaze.
The Westway Warblers performed at the Candlelight Carol
service. The feedback has been fantastic. Our next
performance is a fundraiser with Thornton Le Dale Ukuleles
on Friday 14th March at 7pm. Tickets available from
Westway Open Arms The group meets each Tuesday at
4pm for an hour all are welcome whether you feel you can
sing or not it is all about having a good time. On a sad note,
one of our client volunteers Robin passed away over the
Christmas Holidays we remember him with fondness and
love he will be greatly missed.